Sale price€39,95

Ships From: United States
Length: 50cm

An Original Viking warrior's axe that they sued in battle. This pendant was inspired by those Viking warriors who lived and die for battle and wanted to reach Valhalla. The design on the blade is what Vikings used as decorations on their weapons. Comes with a free Viking Wooden Box!


As a symbol, the axe stands for bravery, strength, and audacity. It is a reminder of heritage and the accomplishments of ancestors who bent the world to their will using only what they had. It is a symbol of the berserker, and all that entails. It conveys the heart or mind's ability to cut through that which holds one back and to forge boldly ahead. 

The most famous, and perhaps most common, Viking weapon was the axe. Viking axes ranged in size from hand axes (similar to tomahawks) to long-hafted battle axes. Unlike the axes usually depicted in fantasy illustrations, Viking axes were single-bitted (to make them faster and more maneuverable). Viking axes were sometimes "bearded," which is to say that the lower portion of the axe head was hook-shaped to facilitate catching and pulling shield rims or limbs. The axe required far less iron, time, or skill to produce than a sword; and because it was an important tool on farms and homesteads, the Norse would have had them in hand since childhood. The Viking axe would make the Norsemen famous, and even after the Viking Age waned, the descendants of the Vikings (such as the Varangians of Byzantium or the Galloglass of Ireland) would be sought after as bodyguards or elite mercenaries specifically for their axe skill.


Material: Stainless Steel 
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